Now, I said I love update, not the Journal. You want to know why? It's because this Jamaa Journal is a very sorry excuse for a Jamaa Journal. The only new thing is the front page. All other pages are exactly the same. Just to emphasise my frustration, I'm not going to leave any comments for the other pages.
Ha! Take that AJ!
The only difference with these pages are that the ponies was the front page of the last update, and the Friendship Party reminder is shorter. Other than that, it's basically just a reminder of what we already know. It's very disappointing.
But I suppose I shouldn't be as angry, because it's an in between the actual update update. But still.
Also, the Heart Couch is going to have it's last day for this year. I actually don't mind this part, because the Heart Couch is my least favourite heart themed item. Also, when I saved it I spelt couch wrong so it came out as 'counch'.
There is another thing I'm excited about. My ultimate favourite den item, the Clover Fountain.
It just looks so fancy and professional!
Now to end this once again late post which I'm sorry for by the way, a weird glitch with the Dress Up game (I've had a mind blank and forgotten what it's called).
I get this pretty much every time I play, which is probably why I never win. What I love about this game though I that as long as you vote, you can still get 25 gems for coming last. Or is that with every game?