Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Oh wow. This title is so misleading. Sorry bout that :D
No, I'm not quitting lol
A good friend told me today, that you can say "Sorry" on Jam a Grams finally
It's about stinking time
I also wanted to tell you guys about this place that everyone knows about so why am I posting it I don't know
Turns out you can go here, because this is where all the clanners hang out
I was being a massive troll I'm sorry I had a boring day :D
Hey, at least this had something to do with Animal Jam!
Oh, and when I have time, I'm going to add an adorable animals page where you can save all of these screen shots of Instagram animal posts.
I won't include the username or comment because that would be like I was payed by that person to advertise and that would be lame. You will only see the animal.
(I think I spelt that wrong)