Today is the day! The official day for the digits, but AJ is making the items available today & Sunday. And I am pleased to say that all the Pi den items are non member!
These took me a really long time so I hope no one steals them :l
This is the only thing Patrick says that I was really interested in.
Don't mind the 'art'. I was tired.
Now for the bad quality walkthrough.
Basically what you do is find these keys
To unlock these chests
That have these inside
If it looks like this it's a gem chest
If it looks like this it's a treasure chest
The treasure prizes are as follows:
Ignore the one with the black around it because it's not a prize.
There are four of these dance areas, and if you unlock them you get
... a key and these gem bags. When you click on the gem bags, you get 25 gems each.
When you have found all the keys and chests, Patrick gives you this Epic Key.
You can use this key to unlock the big chest where you start off the game.
I didn't get photo evidence, but I got a black starw hat for the non member one, and a Rare Pink Spiked Collar for the member chest :D