Monday, April 27, 2015

Europe Stuff Heh

Hey so I imported all the pics from my phone onto my computer an I wanted to share some stuff with you from my Europe trip but I doubt anyone cares

I know dis is an AJ blog but I felt like postin something slightly more interesting than pixels
Though technically the pictures are pixels

Warning: some of these photo's are of my ugly and unshaved legs :P


Heheh, I can't read

Yeah you can tell dees are mine cause of da fingers in the corner...
So yeah hope that interests you pepes, and yes all of these pics are mine. Not the MLP ones or the funny button meme, but the Breadkittens is also mine. 100%. You steal. I know where you live


  1. I feel betrayed. WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME ABOUT EUROPE!!?!!!!!!!! Slight overuse of !, I forgot what their called, but really! I told you about Flour Wars!....even though that isn't that personal... Oh well, forget I was here, I'll grill you next time I see you! Figuratively obviously, cause I can't actually see you... I give up. Nevermind. Meddy out, peace.
    -Why yes, it's ONIME THE ONION

    1. Meddy, I highly doubt I could have said anything about Europe let alone the name with the new commenting system lol. And honestly at the time I completely forgot about it. Sad I know. And seriously, what would I have said?

      I went to Europe last year.
      Really? Cool! Where in Europe?
      France, Italy, Germany.
      See any famous stuff?
      Like what?
      "The message you are writing may not be appropriate" lol


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.