Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Instagram Highlights

For a while now, I have been wanting to post some of the things I see on Instagram on here because they are really funny, have got me thinking, relatable to me or both. Of course, there will still be some AJ stuff in these posts :D
But, I thought it would be an interesting way to start conversations and to get you laughing. I will include the person who posted it (their username) but I'm not being paid by them to advertise or anything lame like that, I just really like their posts.
OK! Here be da first one. AJ post later on :)
No but seriously, what if that happened? Would the guy just slowly hand it back to you and walk away?


  1. They better hand that bunny back to me ♡-♡

    1. I can't believe they stole your bunny.
      The nerve!


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.