Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cool New Video

Check out this awesome new video in Brady's Theatre! It's pretty cool!
Also, today is the last day to get the phantom shirt! It is available at Jam Mart Clothing for 500 gems, and is a MEMBER item. Hurry!
Today is Jammer Shout outs day! I thought it was Sunday yesterday, so that is why there is a Jammer Shout out in my last post (: Today's is...
Kittenburger1234 is just about the sweetest girl I know. She loves to chat to her friends, and will make time for anyone. She also has a great sense of style. Great job kittenburger1234!
Click here to visit the Hyena Colouring Page. The fact is also really interesting!
Well, that's all for me today jammers. Have fun!
~ Bugzy109