Friday, March 20, 2015

March 19 2015 update

Hello. Seriously, any other day would be fine, but updates on Thursday are really inconvenient for me, I'm sorry. Anyway, here is the update.

Well, the lions are back, so that's news I guess. And in the Diamond Shop. Yay.

I think this will be very useful for telling the difference between diamond items and (rare) 'beta' items. But you can already see that the item is rare before you trade it so...
Also, very helpful 'trading tips' that have nothing to do with trading.

I'm going to make a post of this party when I get there.

There's also a new scroll tag thingy.

The handbook is with the Panda handbook, because you know, that makes perfect sense.

I can't wait till the April fools party :DDD
There's an amazing picture to make the new poster stand out (not).
That's it for today.