Sunday, May 3, 2015

Random AJ images #2

You know who it is :3
Please laugh at these images with me, and if you don't think they are funny then just be like "pssh that's not funny you suck"
My humour is a bit weird though
Oh well, here goes.
Wise words. There is a phantom inside all of us.
Agh. This again. Scammers aren't even trying to be sneaky anymore. No one is learning their lesson and when they complain I got scammed wa waaa" they expect everyone to say "oh you poor creature!"
You'll never guess what type of scam this girl is doing *eye roll*
This is what you get when you hang up Planet Wallpaper in the Gingerbread Den. You know AJ, sometimes you're actually pretty cool!

Don't ask me how I got into a Brazil server, because I just followed a friend to Jamaa Township and there I was lol
I noticed that the name tags and jam a gram titles didn't change from English.
Haha I post them and realise they're not even funny

Headdressererere? *Updated*

Have you guys noticed the new items have been feather types? And then I thought, what if that means AJ is bringing back Headdresses? That would be so good but so bad.

So, a question: If AJ did bring back headdresses, would that be good or bad? And why? Best answer may win something.

And if you are non member I'm sorry but maybe we could work something out.

Just a thought but if they did that would be so bad and totally unfair

Also, have you guys noticed that AJ has now made the membership cost an extra 2 dollars? Why? We get basically no new content and they make us pay more. Rant if you guys want to, I won't mind.
That is if anyone cares