You know who it is :3
Please laugh at these images with me, and if you don't think they are funny then just be like "pssh that's not funny you suck"
My humour is a bit weird though
Oh well, here goes.
Wise words. There is a phantom inside all of us.
Agh. This again. Scammers aren't even trying to be sneaky anymore. No one is learning their lesson and when they complain I got scammed wa waaa" they expect everyone to say "oh you poor creature!"
You'll never guess what type of scam this girl is doing *eye roll*
This is what you get when you hang up Planet Wallpaper in the Gingerbread Den. You know AJ, sometimes you're actually pretty cool!
Don't ask me how I got into a Brazil server, because I just followed a friend to Jamaa Township and there I was lol
I noticed that the name tags and jam a gram titles didn't change from English.
Haha I post them and realise they're not even funny