Monday, July 27, 2015

Free Lick Icons

So I haven't been able to go to the Jamaaliday's in July party, but it is very similar to last years :( I would love it if AJ had new party items every year, wouldn't you?
So, I have found something to keep you entertained for 5 minutes. These are really cute Lick Icons that people on Devion art have made, and you can use them for free :)
Some examples:

King candy


Winnie the pooh
Just right click on the GIF and click "Save picture as..." Make sure you save if as a gif file it should do this automatically but just double check.
Also, have you guys noticed the new pet buying thing? When you're getting a pet you already have, instead of the grass with the small pond and all the pets you have bought so far, it has changed to being the same process as when you buy an animal you already have or a new one.
And I hate how after buyng a pet from the Diamond Shop you have to pay diamonds to get a new one of that pet like AJ haven't we payed 3 weeks worth of gems to get a pet already???
But that's just me.