Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Space Unicorns Jumpin' On My Face!? ~ swirlshine

No I haven't forgotten about the contest... Speaking of which, I'm planning another one soon...

I was in Jamaa Township and I thought that the swirling path looked a bit like a treble clef 

Probs not but oh well

Then there was the matter of this thing

Why is it there? I swear it wasn't there before... 

Anyway bye for now

How To Watch Sherlock: The Abominable Bride without living in the UK

For every Sherlock fan out there that doesn't know how, don't worry. There is a way. Simply follow the 4 steps below...

Step 1
Install Google Chrome (if you haven't already) and use that as your search engine when watching the episode.

Step 2
Install a program called Hola by clicking here

Once installed, Hola will look like this smiling flame on the top right hand corner of the screen.

Step 3
Search on Google Chrome: BBC iplayer Sherlock the abominable bride

That should lead you to this website 

Once there simply click on the smiling flame and select your country as the UK by clicking on the 'More...' icon. 

Step 4
Refresh the page and there you have it! You can now watch the new episode of Sherlock without living in the UK :)

Credit to my best friend Amy for telling me about this 

Hope this helps!