Monday, October 27, 2014

RIM Spooky Top Hat

Hi guys! This is probably the first time I have posted ON TIME, but yeah, anyway, here is the awesome new RIM item. My buddy actually posted about it yesterday.
It's expensive, but TOTALLY worth it XD

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Candy Shop

I've finally finished the Candy Shop in my den! I have been working on it for ages and it's finally done. Here is a preview...

Friday, October 24, 2014

AJ Pet Owls Update

Hi people. Sorry for not posting earlier, I just logged in  now :D
It's not that great of an update, but it's okay. Now that pet owls have to be purchased in the Diamond Shop, not so much. Things were better when you got monthly member gifts :l
We used to get this as a member gift :l And non members can't even get it anyway...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just a Reminder

Just a reminder to you peeps that cheetahs go tomorrow... it's sad because I definitely know that I won't be getting one unless some miracle happens, so... yeah. Oh, and sorry that I haven't been posting, it's just that NOTHING interesting has been happening, oh, except for this guy...
This guy/girl was pretending to be Jullian2 saying 'Hey this is Jullian2 here on his other user' and we are all like 'Jullian2 talked in his videos...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Spooky Party 2014

Along with the update that I posted about yesterday, there is also a new party called The Spooky Party. Also, lots of bat pets have been seen around Jamaa, but not many people know how to get them. I will help you with that today guys. First up, the party.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Phantom Journal!

Who knew the next update would be so soon? And the phantoms have taken over this issue of Jamaa Journal, now the Phantom Journal!
Awesome costumes. I love the Monster Teeth that should come out soon...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

RIM Pumpkin Throne

Hi guys! Todays amazingly new RIM item is the awesome Pumpkin Throne. I really like this item. It's so cool!
I love it because it is really original, and has its place in any fancy garden.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Batty Balloons and Online Safety

Todays new item is just so cute that I wanted to post about it. Who doesn't love this item? Also, I was wondering, if I made an Animal Jam Animal Archive, would you guys be interested in reading it? And if I made a page with videos on all the games in Jamaa, would you guys like it? Anyway, here it the Bat Balloon!

Isn't it SOOO cute? I love it!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Phantom Vortex and Extreemely Annoying Speech Update

Hi guys! Has anyone wondered how to get the Phantom Vortex Prize? This years prize is a scarecrow, and it looks really cool!

 Groovy right? I love the raven for added effect!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Halloween Update!

Hi guys! Sorry for the late post. I have been shopping all day ^.^ But, I am excited to announce an update!

I haven't had a chance to go on the Bitter Sweets adventure yet, but when I do I will make a video for you guys :D