Thursday, April 9, 2015

"Beta" Items That Aren't Beta

As the title suggests, I'm going to talk a little bit about items that people think are beta because they don't know the difference between beta and out of stores. Also so that when I correct people in Jamaa Township for being really silly, I have proof. So, first item of conspiracy.

Fox Tail Chair
Ah, the Fox Tail Chair. Whenever people see it on trade, they always try to get it, and may end up trading a lot more than it's worth. The Fox Tail Chair is not beta. It was sold on August the 24th 2012, 2 whole years after beta. It stayed in stores for quite a while until some time last year (I think), it was removed from stores.

I think this item is less commonly mistaken for a beta item, but I'm putting it up here anyway.
The Backpack was a member item sold on September 1st, 2012 in Jam Mart Clothing, and was later moved to the Cocoa Hut clothes shop thing about last year, or was it the year before? I don't know, I have terrible track of time like this, but you get the point. It's not beta.
There are many more too, so make sure you don't always take peoples word when they say "My items are beta"
If you wanted to get extremely technical, there is a lot of valuable stuff that was part of the member gifts in 2011, like the Spiked Collars and wristbands, the different Ice, Lava ect. archways, and rare clouds, snowy, rainy ect. But these are still worth a lot, and since they were in the beginning of 2011 right after he beta period, they can still be considered beta.
Hope I helped clear things up. I just hate it when people call out of store stuff betas.