Friday, October 16, 2015

Weird nametag glitch

I've been noticing around Jamaa people with name tags that have their username in stead of their animal name. Check it

Anyone know anything? 


A lot of people are NOT happy about this because it makes them really non rare or whatever, but I think it is really funny to see their reactions idk why.


I'm gonna make a pros and cons list as to the spiked collar/wristband return 

PRO: People who didn't realise when they were going now have a chance to re-stock
CON: This will take away their value for a max of about 3 weeks 
PRO: I can get collars/wristbands as prizes for the contest IF YOU GUYS WANT
CON: You may not want them

That's about all I can come up with

The first place I looked for the clue was the Canyon way thing because that's where they usually are, but somone told me that this time it's in Mt. Shiveer. 

There is some debate between arctic fox and red panda, but I think 
(a) It's nose isn't long enough to be an arctic fox
(b) We already have a fox
(c) It does look quite a lot like a red panda

You can find the clue near the slide in the ice.

And, it wouldn't be an AJ update without an advertisement, so here it is. Yayy. 

Want to share your thoughts on the spiked collar and or new animal debates? Feel free to comment! 

World's Greatest Garage Sale

My family held a garage sale and is holding one tomorrow, and man it is rlly impressive like seriously. There's cool stuff everywhere. We need to get ready to move at the end of the year, so we need to lighten the load.

I'm not really sure why I'm typing this.



The contest prizes


U guys gotta tell me what you want that you think I might have as prizes

And I don't really have much

I'm thinking black non rare bow and arrows, designer purple skirt/tiara, or feathered masks (if they are at all valuable anymore idk)