Saturday, March 5, 2016


Image credit to Animal Jam Flash

Look AJ, I don't care WHAT tag you give them, I'm not trading for this crud.

March 3 Update 2016

I'm gonna go super quick cause there's other stuff I wanna post ok


Ew I'm sorry but a pet skunk is just gross ew. Why would you want it stinking up the joint wherever you went? Not one of the best pet ideas in my opinion.
But, a diamond shop den that's FINALLY a DECENT SIZE!!!


There's also a new Clover Cloud in the Diamond Shop

Pi day again??? If they keep doing this every year it's going to get old I'm sorry. 

Be sure to check out the sea otters thing. I think it's always good to have some background knowledge on everything, in case you're ever on Million Dollar Minute or something.

Lol does anyone even play Play Wild still 

And I'm sure everyone is just horrified by the travelling rhinos oh no (why does blogger correct it to travelling with two 'l's what)

And Jamaa Township is all clover-y

Lookin good