Over the years, there have been some pretty bizarre items that AJ thought was a good idea, but I have never seen people either wear them or decorate their den with them. I'll keep it simple by only using the items you can get today (cause I don't like stealing images from Google)
So pretty much the entire safari range was a bad idea. Not only do they look really bad, but also the fact that the only thing that is non members is the binoculars is really lame. I mean, you put them on, and they are tiny! Seriously, really small. The rope sandals just make you look like a hobo to be honest.
Whenever someone says "Cupid", you think of the chubby baby thing with wings and a diaper that shoots at people. Is that really the image you want to create by wearing this? And we all know how annoyingly creepy they were in Night At The Museum ll
This one was a seriously bad call. I have never seen anyone have this in their den, and a sewer cover is what you put in the middle of the road, and underneath is where the cities sewage goes. Sewers are really smelly and is not the kind of thing you want in a nice den. Putting "AJ" on it isn't going to make it any more appealing, either.
Perhaps you would have more success with this one if it was available for non members too. I don't understand. Only members are allowed to have a National Geographic banner in their dens? Why? The fact that they make it really cheap doesn't help either. It would help if it was non member, but members don't buy this kind of thing, ya know?
So that's all for the AJ post today, and I am going to do an Inside Out review either today or tomorrow, cause I saw it yesterday.
Also, please anyone who knows the answer to why the heck heart rings are so rare now please tell me because I am perplexed honestly.