And I look at her character and I think 'wait a second, is she sitting down?' But upon further examination, I saw that perhaps she was standing up but the cloak was covering her back leg. Still, I wanted to be sure.
So I asked her to come to my den, and she took off her cloak for me, and it was just an Arctic Wolf standing up. Still, it looked cool from perspective. Also, I wanted to see if there was another item that made you look like that. So I searched for an Arctic Wolf with a Worn Blanket
No blanket to see if it ones without blankets sat.
And one with a headdress to see if there was a glitch among headdress wearers that I have never seen before.
Unfortunately not.
This has been my first test, and hasn't been a very good test either. I'm going to try to include more glitches and AJ item history into this to make it less boring. If you have discovered any glitches or have info on item history, please let me know!
I will end this post with a pun that got me giggling.
By the way, this is not my photo. It's too funny to be mine. My jokes are terrible.