Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2nd 2015 Update - Spring Adventure

Hey guys. Homework is over and school holidays are here! And to commemorate, a great new update! (Spotted any hints of sarcasm?) I don't know if it's in order but whatevs.

A new adventure for Spring. It is very similar to the adventure at the end of last year. Basically, you have to collect 100 eggs, and you get prizes depending on how many you get.
You collect eggs of all different colours, and as you collect them, you get different prizes. You can also get prizes by doing the following:
There are plants that look like this scattered throughout the flowery land. If you water them using the wells, they bloom.

After they bloom, treasure comes out.

Since I don't have much time today, I just collected 15 eggs to show you the prizes I got. I'll come up with a list of them later on, maybe tomorrow.

I also got another flowering tree which I forgot to take a photo of, and it looks bigger and more of a hot pink colour compared to the flowering orange tree.

There are also gem treasure chests in this adventure.

Another great adventure if you're low on gems (like me).
There's also a very pretty flowering tree patch I found.

And if you head North when you start, you will see this.

Unlike most adventures, there's no guide at the beginning telling you what to do and how to do it. There are many guides you can ask though by clicking the '!' above their heads as you walk past.
I actually quite like the Deep Space items this update.

AJ always finds an excuse for people to spend more at the Diamond Shop. Polar bears are leaving in two weeks.

Some sort of reptile, like a lizard or a dinosaur (that would be so awesome!), or maybe a snake, is coming soon, aka in about 2-3 more updates.  
Really hoping it's a dinosaur!!!!!!