It's that time of year again, when AJ has the annual Freedom Party to commemorate the 4th of July, the day America declared it's independence. It is also the day my brother will be married the year, so I suppose it'll be him "dependence" day lol
I'm so sorry
The party itself is the same as last year, with the exception of some available items. Here is what is in the clothing shop:
Instead of the Freedom Helmet from last year, they made a Freedom Hood With Feather. Unless they bring it back, people will say it's beta lol
The furniture shop has an entire set of new items, but I think they will bring back the fireworks because they haven't changed the shop display yet. Maybe.
This is the display for the clothing shop:
As always, there's the fireworks
And the fireworks on the right of the screen which causes a cute fireworks animation to pop up beside you
I have to say, this year the Freedom Party advertisement in the Jamaa Journal looks more exciting than last years.
Last year:
This year:
That's just my opinion though.
Another item that was available last year was the Freedom Fox Hat in Jam Mart Clothing I think
As you can see in the background, there's a whole bunch of other cool stuff too
I hope they bring it all back :)
Also the Rare Freedom Tie as a possible RIM
The new items at the Freedom Party today are:
Happy Jamming!