Monday, June 8, 2015


Neh I am so sick of seriously rude people in AJ and this is only one example (lol I have a feeling I have already posted this)

Why are people in AJ so rude these days?
These two foxes, who shall remain nameless, lucky them, randomly came to my den while I was in Jamaa Township. The girl fox started dancing on my table, and the blue for started asking for my The Claw machine. I said it wasn’t for trade. Then he started asking for other stuff. So I said this:
Sue me, cheese.
I checked the Epic Den list, and turns out they really were just there to trade. I was okay with this, them being in my den that is, because it is unlocked, but the fact that they don’t say why they’re there and instead just ask for my Claw machine? Seriously? And then the girl fox traded me some stuff for my computer that I already had, and she got angry at me.
I agree that on AJ we all do things one day or another that we regret, but this was just. Weird.
Maybe this isn't even that r00d but I felt I needed to mention this.
2 scammers. 1 place. DX
y aj
y u do dis
I thout u waz cool
but no