So, it's non member, and it's green. What else? Well, it being non member and rare is actually pretty cool.
Do any of you have any storage accounts? I have one for seasonal items. And, are you low on gems? If both are a 'yes' for you, listen to this.
So I learnt from Moloetta385's blog, Animal Jam Flash (click this link) that usually, items only recycle for about 30% of the buying price. But rares sell for full price. So, if you buy a ton of these head flowers with your non member storage account, you can trade them with the account that's low on gems, and then sell them for 750 gems each!
Pretty groovy, right?
Also, I just noticed, I don't know if anyone else has, but this is cool.
If your having trouble, look at the red koala.
It's lame, but it's cool.