Friday, August 29, 2014

Shoes and trees, what more do ya need?

Hey Jammers! I'm sorry I haven't posted for the last few days. I have been busy with homework and such. The end of the term means that you have lots of assignments dew.
Enough of my rambling, todays new item is the High Top Sneakers!
This item is for all you sporty jammers out there. I love to play tennis and soccer, so these shoes will be great on my animals!

Yesterdays new item was the Bonsai Tree, but since I didn't post about it, I may as well do it now :)
I learned how to make a GIF thanks to Animal Jam Explorer Lodge's blogging tips page! Click here if you want to see the page.
Another thing, there is a really cool new video in Tierney's Theatre about what it is like to be filming under water!
I watched this video and thought 'it would be so cool to have that job!'
Today is Friday which means it's time for today's
Did you know...
Camels have 3 eyelids to protect them from the sand!
Them some fancy camels! Great job guys!
I also want to start something called Fashion Friday (very original, I know). So, as well as a fact, there is also a model jammer who has a really cool/cute/funny/strange/awesome outfit!
So, without further ado, here is todays Fashion Friday Jammer!
Jamaasian: Yes
Cute: Yes!
What you need to have this look:
.Freedom Fox Hat
.Jamaaliday scarf
.Red Mech Angel Wings
.Silver Glove
Colours: Red, White, Black, Grey.
Overall: Great job jeepers33!
That's it for today's post jammers... Or is it??? MUAHAHAHAHA!
Ehem, sorry about that. I got a little bit enthusiastic there. Okay, bye for now!


  1. Haha, I love camels. They are so fun to ride at shows and stuff. And I agree, everyone loves rare nerd glasses!

    1. Yeah! I don't understand what the big deal is. They were a rare in May, so the aren't THAT rare.


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.