Friday, April 17, 2015

Giveaway or Contest?

There are 6 days left to vote, and so far it's neck and neck with either a giveaway or a contest. I would be fine with either, but if it stays a tie, I will have to decide. If I do a giveaway, it will be of these items

Yeah, I know they are really bad, but I'm not very rare. The deal is, if only one person shows up, then they get all the items. If more than one shows up, I divide them evenly
If I do a contest, or a party because votes are still in, I would do either an art or story contest, and host a party which will epically fail if no one shows up lol
The tricky part is actually making a time that I can do, because I have school next week and stuff to do, places to be. Just wanted to clear this up, I am not very confident about this. Usually this kind of stuff is for popular people to host.
Well, I'll see what happens. Every vote counts!


  1. can u do a party with giveaways and/or contests? i will come

    1. That does sound like a good idea! Maybe a party with giveaways, or as contest prizes? Thanks for the suggestion!


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.