Tuesday, April 14, 2015

When AJ gets hacked

I didn't post yesterday because, as I'm sure you all heard, AJ got hacked. Or rather, you heard other people saying "AJ IS GETTING ACT OMG IM SCARED" and "OMG MY SPIKES ARE ALL GONE"

Guys, when AJ is getting hacked, don't freak out! It just makes everyone more tense. You could:
1. Get suspended
Getting suspended may be difficult to do quickly, and involves saying bad words, and may take a l,ot of tries with the five minute warning thing un til you get suspended. Also, a lot of people including myself are not comfortable with saying bad words, so option 2 may be the way to go.
2. Lock you account
You lock you account by going into the parents section

entering your parents email and password
 (make sure you ask your parents to help with this), and then locking your account. I can't show you a pic of how to lock it because my parents couldn't remember the password so I had to wait an entire night worried sick for my account
That was a long night
Sometimes the "AJ IS GETTING ACT" thing may be just a mistake, and people are spreading rumours. Most of the time though, peoples items disappear, and they set off the heck alarm. Make sure you just stay calm, log out, and lock your account. The next day, you may even change your password to something a bit trickier for extra precaution
I just wanted to post that because I was annoyed I couldn't post yesterday, and wanted to take it out on someone. Thanks for being patient with me

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Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.