Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How to become super rare fast!!!!! joke post*

* Please don't take it seriously

Hey jammers! So, for today I have some really great news!!! I know how to become REEEALLY RARE!!!!!!!!

Just follow my amazing instructions below and you will have rare spikes in no time!!!!!

1. Make videos!
Your videos can be about anything AJ related really, and people will love them! They can be really simple and easy to make, and people will still love them and gift you tonnes or betas like fox chairs and pigtails!!!
2. Scam!
I know scamming can be kinda mean sometimes, but hey, a lot of famous jammers do it! Some have even admitted to it on their super fantabulous videos and don't get yelled at, so it must be okay!!!!!!!!! 
3. Play Forgotten Desert!
Everything you get from there will most likely be really rare, so why not give it a go? I've heard though that if you get gem treasures, somehow the items you get will be less rare. Makes perfect sense! 
4. Beg!
If you harass people long enough, they might give you the item you're asking them for! Just follow them around, spam them with JAG's!!!! If they still refuse, tell them you'll report them and that should make them give in :)

Just follow this guide and you'll be rare in no time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Happy Jamming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.