Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Egyptian Cats and Cupcake Hats

I'm sorry for the extra late post (because cupcake hats are gone now) but, I will post about them anyway.

Thank you so much AJHQ for bringing these back! They are AWESOME!

This is a great NON MEMBER item for anyone's den! Now non members can have more than just the Golden Egyptian Scarab and Papyrus scrolls.
I love owls, so this video just deepens my appreciation for them. Aren't they the cutest and fluffiest things you have ever seen? My personal favourite is the Barn Owl. What are your favourite animals?
I have been saving some glitches for today. I hope you like them!
This was peculiar... I have only had this happen to me before at the Adventure Base Camp, never in Jamaa Township!

The 'Next Race In 1' sign stayed like that for about 3 minutes. 1 second? More like 180!
That's it for today. Jam on peeps!


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, I don't know what's up with the one in Jamaa Township. The glitches you feature are pretty weird too!

  2. Awww! I haven't been on AJ for Monday, and i didn't know it would be cool. Usually RIM's are lame. Nuuuuu!

    1. I know how you feel! I did that when the Rare Blue Worn came out and I had to trade for one. Its so annoying when that happens!

    2. Lol, yeah. I did that with the Rare Nerd Glasses. I wish i hadn't now XD


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.