Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stuff People Say...

that I think is funny but probably no one else will find any of this funny but I do and I probably won't be able to explain why I think they are funny.
Why are people desperate for shows like all you do is "dance when your done", and get a RIM when (if) you win. Why not just play 'Best Dressed', where you get gems if you win?


Dude if you want people to stop talking then DON'T BE IN JAMAA TOWNSHIP IDIOT

I don't even know what this is about. It sounds to me like some dramatic reality TV show line, a really cheesy one. What does this even mean???

This is just funny

Dude we know it's not in the Diamond Shop CAUSE PEOPLE TRADE REDICULOUS STUFF FOR IT
I just thought this was cute look at that tongue! And the hair that you see on like, cool people?
Why don't I have that haircut...
Here is a story about todays new item the Horseshoe set
I was at the yearly show with my brother, and one year they had a Horseshoe set up. The pin thing is really firmly put into the ground. Well, no one was at it, and I barely saw the pin in the ground as I was running to the cotton candy stand.
Heheh, well, I ended up tripping on it and face planting and limped over to the stand with mud on my face and said "I need candyyyyyy"
I leave you with a glitch that is weird and I like it :)
I didn't even type my username or anything and this happened. It looks really cool!


  1. btw if u dont have free chat u cant say "spiked" u can only say "spike" so i think thats why a lot of ppl say "trade me a SPIKE collar"

    1. That's AJ's fault though, making people write it incorrectly. You can't say it on Jam a Grams either.

    2. ikr. just dont judge ppl for saying "spike collar". they probably dont have free chat

    3. I don't, I just know of a lot of quite lazy members who say "spike". I'm just a Grammer Nazi that's all lol


Be nice, or be:
mocked by Sherlock, laughed at by Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and, Tom Hiddleston, Hulk smashed, eaten by Smaug and exterminated.