Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sol Arcade Replaced Soon?

Like Captain Melville's Juice Hut that everyone forgot about when AJ put claw machines at other locations, the beloved Sol Arcade may soon go down that same path.
Credit to AJF and TheOneAndOnlySomething's video about these unreleased features. The images are from TheOneAndOnlySomething but I found out about it through AJF. I used the first image of this post from AJF, too.
see how it's nicely cropped and graphic like, that's how you know it's not mine
Well, I suppose that says it all, if TOAOS's evidence is correct, which it probably is. Then the Sol Arcade that barely anyone goes to anyone since everyone gets their gems from the Daily Spin will be abandoned completely. Why does AJHQ keep trying to "modernise" the game? It's less fun that way!
Some features that the beloved Sol Arcade has that may go unnoticed.
Flashing carpet lights

A light up swirl thing and my GIF maker is totally spaz

Also there are shooting stars that pass by on the Sol Arcade wallpaper, and red flashing lights at the entrance to the game areas with stairs.
Speaking very briefly about the Juice Hut, has anyone wondered WHAT THE HECK ARE IN THOSE CLAW MACHINES???!!!
Juice Hut claw
Are they dinosaur plushies? Badly drawn rhinos? It seems important to me for some reason. Whatever they are, they're creepy
Sol Arcade claw
Tell me what you think in the comments! Do you want the Sol Arcade to stay, or are you happy with the modernising?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Free Lick Icons

So I haven't been able to go to the Jamaaliday's in July party, but it is very similar to last years :( I would love it if AJ had new party items every year, wouldn't you?
So, I have found something to keep you entertained for 5 minutes. These are really cute Lick Icons that people on Devion art have made, and you can use them for free :)
Some examples:

King candy


Winnie the pooh
Just right click on the GIF and click "Save picture as..." Make sure you save if as a gif file it should do this automatically but just double check.
Also, have you guys noticed the new pet buying thing? When you're getting a pet you already have, instead of the grass with the small pond and all the pets you have bought so far, it has changed to being the same process as when you buy an animal you already have or a new one.
And I hate how after buyng a pet from the Diamond Shop you have to pay diamonds to get a new one of that pet like AJ haven't we payed 3 weeks worth of gems to get a pet already???
But that's just me.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


For a school project in ICT, we have to make an animated story in a program called "Scratch". It's really cool and I'd like to give you a mini tutorial on it as part of the new thing I'm doing for the blog. Basically, this blog will be about many different things including Animal Jam (mostly Animal Jam) but other computer things or just things that I find remotely interesting. All fun things, all fun things *thumbs up*
(Click to enlarge)
In Scratch, you can make stories, animations, art, games, and more using codes that have been simplified for you. Once your in Scratch, make an account by clicking something in the top right hand corner like "Create Account"
Once your account has been created, click "Try out starter projects" to, well, try out starter projects
Once you're in, pick anything you like that interests you, or just have a little look around at everything before the next step.
Once you find a project you like, click "See Inside"
It's... a lot to look at. But don't worry! It will become simpler in time! Next, click "Remix"

Once the project is successfully saved into your account, you will see the name of the original project and then "remix" at the end.
Once that is done, fiddle around by changing different things; the object used as the ball, the colour or size of the ball or paddle, the speed that the ball hits the paddle etc. Don't forget to add all the sprites you might need and coding them as well to interact well with your project.
To edit any of the "Sprites" used, just select the object and click "costumes"
Once you have saved your project (it saves automatically, but you can also choose to save it to your computer), click on "My Stuff", the little envelope thing (what are those called????) and you can choose to publish your project to everyone on Scratch, or delete it.
Feel free to check out my project (if you want) and have a laugh or just get on with whatever you were doing! My user is Buzgy109 (duh lol)
Have fuuuuuuuuuun!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 23 2015 - Bouncy House Update (yaaaaaaay...)

AJ come on, no one really liked the bouncy house party, why you making this into a house. And what would you put in there to make it looks good? Most things would look really weird.

This is the first time they've ever done this for an adventure I wonder why?

The hyenas travelled last year too

What is with AJ making the hyenas travel? HYENAS ARE BEAUTIFUL THEY DESERVE BETTER AJ CRI

Overflow is now non member yay for anyone who actually plays that game (I do haha, haha, ha, haa...)

Now the PLay! button is HUGE for all the games so yay
And not only have the games in the sol arcade been arranged differently, the game icon has changed too. It now bobs up and down like your animal when it's standing still.
OK for some reason that's gone spaz (like my life HA HAHA HA HEH)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My Drawingz

Most of the time, my drawings are just doodles that I make when I'm bored that haven't turned out half bad. I have a bad habit of doing these in pen as well :l

(ignore the dog photos heheh soz)
I love this one

And this one
And this one


It was awesome!!!!! You can just imagine how excited I was ay
We had to leave for ANOTHER wedding that day and dad was screaming "GET UP KIDS!!!" and I'm thinking AA IS THE HOUSE ON FIRE WHAT
But turns out, it was the opposite! Yay!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Updated Jam a Gram Vocabulary

Hey guys! AJ has finally answered the many requests from jammers on what we can and cannot say in Jam a Grams. They have updated it to say the words "sorry", "gift", "send", and "spiked"! Here's a pic to show all the new words you can say, pic from Animal Jam Flash 
Yes, you can now say sorry! YEAH!!!
After all this time waiting :')
With this one ^ sorry was added to the vocab and then taken away again

Sunday, July 19, 2015


You know that creepy anonymous dude that kept asking weird questions about my main animal? TURNS OUT IT WAS B U SLY DOG U ;D
And yea! So she's okay and she has a new blog now called Literal Trash and she wanted to know what my main animal was so that she could draw a picture of her, Cutepups, May, and me. It's awesome! Take a look.
I love it a lot and it's adorable and I love it
Also, I haven't seen Medi (medicineweb) in a while is she ok?

Liza... Replaced?

So I can't find the before photos anywhere but I think I remember posting about it the last time I made a storage account. The other day I made another one by the name of Tech2 and instead of Liza being my guide, Peck was! Here are some snaps.

I personally found that this method is better than when Liza did it, because Peck really explains stuff to you while Liza just led you on a boat and pretty much explained Jamaa's history lol. But I have noticed that Liza is not the alpha used in a lot of stuff anymore. Maybe kids are scared of her.
In the last pic, the blue wolf at the bottom has an eye colouring error, as some of the pink spills from her eyes to her cheek :)
I know that I have made a post about making a new animal before but I can't find it anywhere. Maybe if you search for it, it will show up but it is unlikely sorry gais

Friday, July 17, 2015

In answer to anonymous' question...

Apart from my bunny, my main animal is my wolf. I never stay the same animal for more than an hour though but this is my fave C: